Getting the smooth, dimple-free skin you deserve just became easier thanks to our treatment options! At sAge Aesthetics and Well Being, we’re proud to offer Sciton SkinTyte® and Hyperdilute Radiesse® treatments to reduce cellulite at its source. These treatments are non-surgical and tackle the root of the problem, delivering results with little to no downtime after your session. Get in touch with sAge today to get started.

What Causes Cellulite?
Cellulite can be tricky because we don’t know exactly what causes it. At best, a link has been found between the connective tissue below our skin and the layer of fat underneath it. In women, fat cells and connective tissue in this layer are arranged vertically. In men, this tissue has a criss-cross structure. Fat cells are more likely to protrude into the layer of skin in women.
What Are the Treatment Options?
We offer both an injectable and a laser treatment option to address cellulite. Our SkinTyte® device uses advanced infrared light technology, delivered in pulses, to deeply heat dermal collagen and firm areas of skin.
If lasers aren’t for you, you can try our Hyperdilute Radiesse® injectable instead. This treatment is essentially a diluted form of Radiesse® (a filler that uses gel microspheres made of calcium hydroxyapatite). When injected into the treatment area, it stimulates the production of collagen, facilitating a smoother, cellulite-free skin texture.
What to Expect
Your results will depend on your chosen treatment. In both cases, several sessions may be needed to get the best outcome. While SkinTyte® is non-invasive, Hyperdilute Radiesse® is an injectable treatment. That said, neither treatment requires extended periods of downtime. In most cases, you can return to the rest of your day immediately after your visit. Get in touch with our team today to determine the best option for you.
Book Treatments for Cellulite
Getting rid of annoying cellulite has just gotten easier! Our Sciton SkinTyte® and Hyperdilute Radiesse® are both excellent cellulite reduction options. At sAge, we offer a range of treatments to help you get the body you deserve. Connect with our team just outside of Chattanooga to explore our options and discover your ideal beauty today.