Cutera AviClear®

Cutera AviClear®

We are excited to announce the debut of our newest acne treatment service: AviClear®. This cutting-edge technology is set to revolutionize acne treatment and provide effective solutions tailored to individual skin needs. 


AviClear® Laser Light Acne Treatment

AviClear® by Cutera is the first and original FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild, moderate, and severe acne. AviClear® is a quick and targeted treatment that shows positive results within three 30-minute treatments. AviClear’s® technology uses the power of laser light to specifically target and suppress the sebaceous glands. This eliminates acne at the source and prevents the intensity and frequency of future breakouts.

What Can I Expect?

Treatments with AviClear® are done in 30 minute sessions, with just three treatments patients are able to see results within 12 months. The treatment is equipped with AviCool, which is skin cooling and sensory controls that assist in maintaining the skin’s temperature during the treatment for a comfortable experience. The effective treatment of acne with AviClear® will decrease breakouts and allow patients to maintain clear and healthy skin.

Before and After Photos

Cozy living room

Book Online

Begin your journey today by booking online. We offer services that care for your body, mind, and spirit. Treatments are non-surgical and always geared toward helping your inner beauty shine.