Sciton SkinTyte® Skin Tightening

Sciton SkinTyte® Skin Tightening

Make sagging skin a thing of the past – not a thing of the future – with Sciton SkinTyte®. As far as aging signs go, skin laxity is perhaps one of the most troubling. But this device allows us to give you the tighter skin you want without surgery or downtime. This is done in an effort to help you uncover your beauty while keeping you true to your essence. If you’re interested, get in touch with our sAge team today.


Middle-age woman with great skin

What Is Sciton SkinTyte®?

SkinTyte® uses advanced infrared light technology and patient-tailored filters to deeply heat dermal collagen and firm areas of loose or sagging skin. This treatment doesn’t require a topical anesthetic and works by delivering energy in rapid, gentle pulses to promote contraction, initiating the body’s natural healing process.

Is Sciton SkinTyte® Right for Me?

SkinTyte® is safe for a wide variety of patient types. However, certain precautions should be taken if: 

  • You are pregnant.
  • You are sensitive to light.
  • Take antibiotics known to increase sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Take Accutane/isotretinoin. 
  • Have an active infection or compromised immune system.
  • Have a history of keloid scarring.

What to Expect During Treatment

Treatments with SkinTyte® take approximately 30 minutes. During your session, the device will be passed over the skin a total of four times. Each of these passes will deliver a gentle heat into the treatment area to promote collagen production while simultaneously maintaining optimal temperature on the skin’s surface to keep the treatment comfortable and downtime minimal.

What Results Can I Expect?

The treatment initiates your body’s natural healing process which leads to a more youthful appearance and a reduction in the appearance of lax, sagging skin. Some results can be seen after your sessions, but it takes several sessions for the most that Sciton SkinTyte® can do. Your skin will improve over the course of several months once your treatment schedule is complete.

Cozy living room

Book Online

Begin your journey today by booking online. We offer services that care for your body, mind, and spirit. Treatments are non-surgical and always geared toward helping your inner beauty shine.


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