Hair Reduction

Hair Reduction

Smooth, hairless skin should come without irritation. Sadly, traditional methods of hair removal like waxing and razor shaving, often leave the skin feeling uncomfortable. Here at sAge, we offer Laser Hair Reduction and dermaplaning for the removal of hair both on your face and body. If your personal vision involves silky-smooth skin, you’ve come to the right place!


Woman with no facial hair or armpit hair

How Does Hair Reduction Work?

Hair reduction using a laser treatment involves the use of short bursts of energy that disrupt hair follicles at their roots. This results in the effective removal of hair and months of beautiful, silky-smooth skin. Dermaplaning is another option ideal for the removal of vellus hairs or “peach fuzz.” this treatment involves the use of a scalpel to scrape away fine hairs and leave you with a flawless complexion.

What Are the Options?

Sciton Forever BBL® Laser Hair Reduction

Our Forever BBL® laser hair reduction system was developed by Sciton to gently remove unwanted hair using wavelength technology. The wavelengths target the pigment within the hair shaft while leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. This system features in-motion technology, can address large areas with ease and includes enhanced cooling sapphire technology. These features combine to make BBL® fast, comfortable, and efficient for skin types I-V.


Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation performed by using a scalpel blade to gently scrape off the top layer of dull and dead skin cells. This process eliminates vellus hairs and reveals a smoother, brighter complexion. It can be combined with a Salt Facial treatment for even more exfoliation.

What Results Can I Expect?

Hair reduction with BBL® is just as you’d expect – gentle! You can expect a significant reduction in the appearance of facial or body hair within 5-6 treatments with this device. Additional maintenance can. be performed to help you maintain silky-smooth results long-term.

Dermaplaning takes an average of 20 minutes to perform. This treatment doesn’t involve any injections or invasive procedures. Think of it as a facial treatment at a spa – many patients describe the procedure as relaxing and are thrilled by the glow their skin exhibits afterward.

Cozy living room

Book Online

Begin your journey today by booking online. We offer services that care for your body, mind, and spirit. Treatments are non-surgical and always geared toward helping your inner beauty shine.


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